The Master Class Programme

The Master Class Programme is an ongoing series of Master Classes which will be delivered live on a regular basis and the recordings are available after the event. They are designed to quickly build your knowledge in key areas of The 21st Century Marketing System and are a natural follow on to the Boot Camp Programme.

The Master Classes will be available to members of The 21st Century Marketing Academy on a flexible subscription basis. We aim to keep each Master Class to between 30 - 45 minutes which also give time for you to ask questions.  Each Master Class will be split into 3 or 4 topics and we'll spend 10 - 15 minutes on each which allows us to explore it in depth.  

By the end of each session you should:

  • Understand the element of each topic and how they interrelate
  • Have a good appreciation of the external factors around the topics which will give you insights into other areas you may like to learn about to expand your knowledge pragmatically and in a time efficient manner
  • Have a step by step plan on how you can incorporate topics covered in the Master Class into your business and start getting a return on your educational investment quickly.
  • Understand the topic in sufficient detail to explain it authoritatively to colleagues, associates or suppliers
  • At the end of the day knowledge is power and one of the objectives of each Master Class is to empower you to make better, more informed decisions which will ultimately help you drive your business forward.

The Master Classes will be starting shortly and all you need to do right now is just register your interest on The 21st Century Marketing Academy membership site and we'll keep you informed.

Simply log into the members area of The 21st Century Marketing Academy, select 'Master Classes' and click on the 'Register Now!' button on the Master Classes page.

Once you have registered your interest we'll keep you updated and let you know when the Master Classes start.  There is no commitment at this stage at all - so don't worry! Its not going to cost you anything to register - it simply means you'll be the first to know as things develop 🙂

If you're already a member you can click here to login or here to enrol.

Master Classes will be exclusively available to members of the 21st Century Marketing Academy

It's FREE to join the Academy and once inside you'll also be entitled to download Chapter 1 of the book