Do You Struggle To Get Stuff Done To Promote Your Business?
Would spending just one highly focused day a month working on your most pressing marketing challenges make a difference to your business?
And what if you came away with marketing material you can use immediately to drive your business to the next level?
What if you spent that day working with and guided by a true marketing master and published author?
Would that be one day of your precious time well spent?
Successful marketing is all about getting the RIGHT MESSAGE in front of the RIGHT AUDIENCE at the RIGHT TIME using the RIGHT TOOLS.
One problem most small business owners’ complain to us about is finding the time to market their business on a consistent basis. And when they do find the time, many of them don’t know what to write or say, or how to go about it to make their marketing work for them.
Is that a problem you can relate to?
Hi There!
I’m Chris Kent and I’m the author of the book “21st Century Marketing: What it is, Why it matters, and How to do it”. I’ve written this book to help small business owners, just like you, get to grips with the challenges of modern marketing.
Marketing is my passion. I’m on a mission to teach small business owners the secrets of successful modern marketing. My goal is show you how to make your marketing work for you.
And I mean really work for you!

Marketing should be a core business activity. Why? Because it’s the key driver for sales and when your marketing works well, sales become easy!
But do you struggle to find the time to produce your marketing material on a consistent basis – be that blog posts, articles, videos, or social media posts?
Do you find it easy to compose a compelling article that captivates your target audience? Does it come to you naturally, or is it always a late-night battle to produce the next piece of mediocre content?
It is absolutely critical to regularly publish compelling content to engage and build a relationship with your ideal customers. But small business owners tell us all the time that creating decent content is one of the hardest things on their To-Do List.
And the stark reality is it often just does not get done and their business suffers as a result!
But what if there was a better way? What if you could spend just one day a month working with and guided by a true marketing master and published author? Someone who can not only tell you what to do, but also show you how to do it – and stand over your shoulder whilst you do it?
Would that make a difference to your business?
And what if you came away with fresh marketing ideas and material you can use straightaway to drive your business to the next level?
Would that be one day of your precious time well spent?
If that sounds good to you let me tell you about the Marketing Action Group we’ll be launching on 25th September in Cirencester. This is something I’m setting up to help a select and small number of small business owners really get to grips with modern marketing. And it has just one focus: To get your marketing working well, because when your marketing works well sales become a whole lot easier!
So here’s the plan - as a member of the Marketing Action Group you will dedicate just one day a month working on your most pressing marketing challenges in a unique and supported environment. Each month we’ll get together for one full day – along with a few other entrepreneurs and small business owners – and focus on creating hard hitting content that really hits the spot!
Now before I go on why should you listen to me and what qualifies me to lead the group?
Okay, that’s the ego and credibility bit done so you know you’re in good hands. Now let’s get down to business...
First of all, what is the Marketing Action Group and why should you attend?
Put bluntly, this is your opportunity to get the critical stuff done you know you should get done, but rarely get around to doing - and then continually feel guilty about not doing it because it stays on your to-do list - FOREVER!
Think of it as an away day once a month where you can focus 100% working on your business without distractions. Somewhere you can get instant help and critical feedback whilst you create marketing assets that will drive your business forward.
Marketing assets that really get your message ‘out there’ and proactively generating words of mouth – quickly.
It’s an intense day of highly focused marketing training combined with practical workshops and hot seats to put your ideas into action. It's also laced with a healthy dose of feedback, and that all-important accountability.
It’s all about taking action and there’s no room to hide!
Imagine, just for a minute, having all your marketing material prepared, planned, created and ready to rock and roll for the next month well in advance, rather than feeling continually under pressure to at least get something out there!
Focused marketing creates valuable results! What results do you want?
So Is This For You?
It’s not for the faint-hearted! But if you’re committed to breaking through the roadblocks that are holding your business back, and be mentored by a Master Marketer who can show you how to turn marketing mystique into sales magic, then you really need to be there!
We’ll be doing this every month, so you can think of it as being part of a team or club of like-minded entrepreneurs - but as with most teams there are a limited number of places available - in fact we're limiting it to JUST 8!
Our focus is on ACTION and giving your business and marketing issues sufficient attention to help you work through and solve them to up your game and get results.
We’ll be holding the first Marketing Action Group at UBC in Cirencester on Wednesday 25th September. Registration opens at 8:30 for a 9am start and we aim to finish by 5:00pm.
Let me be clear what's on offer: I'm inviting you to come along to the launch of the Marketing Action Group and see if it works for you. Although we'll be running this every month, You DO NOT have to commit to come again. But if you decide to join the club then your place for next month is guaranteed. If not, then we'll offer your place to someone else - it's as simple as that! Remember there are only 8 places available and they'll be offered on a 'first come, first serve' basis with priority give to existing members.
Your investment is just £495 for the entire day (including lunch and refreshments) – which, by the way, is a tax deductible business expense so it actually costs you a fair bit less!
But if you want to take advantage of the early bird offer and save 40% you need to book your place by Saturday 21st September 2019.
Which you can do by
Remember: The purpose of this highly focused business development day is to give you the opportunity to focus 100% on creating marketing assets that will drive your business forward without distractions. And get instant help and critical feedback whilst you develop YOUR marketing masterpiece!
I look forward to seeing you on the day.

In the Marketing Action Group we only have space for people that MAKE things happen!